
The new Public and Community Oversight Group (PCOG) has been set up in conjunction with the also newly formed HPRUs in Environmental Exposures and Health and in Chemical and Radiation Threats and Hazards. The aim of the advisory network is to ensure that the public and community voice impacts the research strategies, projects and functions making sure our research is accountable, transparent and relevant to the public.

The new PCOG benefits from the skills, expertise and experience of over 35 members, including members of the general public, industries, local government, community and patient groups, academics and third sector organisations.

The Public Community Oversight Group aims to:
• Support the governance of public involvement and engagement approaches and activities within the MRC and HPRUs
• Identify research priorities addressing public concerns
• Advise on research plans, protocols and materials
• Identify and facilitate ways to involve members of the public in research
• Disseminate research results in lay summaries
• Support researchers to assess the impact of public engagement activities in their work

For more information on membership: PCOG_Membership