Dr Les Scott
Investigator UK Health Security Agency Theme 3 Project 2: Occupational exposure to ionising radiation Research Areas: Publications: View papers
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Dr Stephen Barnard
Investigator UK Health Security Agency CRTH Projects: Theme 1 Project 2: Ionising radiation adverse outcome pathways for non-cancer disease including circulatory diseases, ageing and cataract Theme 2…
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Dr Jayne Moquet
Investigator UK Health Security Agency CRTH Projects: Theme 2 Project 1: Exposure and risk markers in medical uses of IR Theme 3 Project 2: Occupational exposure to…
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Dr Mingzhu Sun
Investigator UK Health Security Agency CRTH Projects: Theme 2 Project 1: Exposure and risk markers in medical uses of IR Theme 3 Project 2: Occupational exposure to…
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Dr Liz Ainsbury
UKHSA Lead UK Health Security Agency Management and administration CRTH Projects: Theme 2 Project 1: Exposure and risk markers in medical uses of IR Theme…
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Dr Richard Haylock
Theme 3 Co-Lead UK Health Security Agency CRTH Projects: Theme 3 Project 2: Occupational exposure to ionising radiation Research Areas: I have led the Radiation…
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