International Scientific Advisory Board
The joint International Scientific Advisory Board (ISAB) is an independent group of senior experts in research on exposures to environmental hazards and public health, that advises the Directors and Steering Committees of this HPRU, of the HPRU in Environmental Exposures and Health and of the MRC Centre for Environment and Health on scientific strategy and research priorities, ensuring the Units' strategy and programmes address and remain responsive to public health needs in the UK.
The ISAB meets once a year at the Units' Annual Meeting, providing an opportunity to interact with HPRU researchers at all levels and provide feedback on the research programme and its broader impact.
See here for more details: ISAB terms of reference_May_2021

Professor Jonathan Samet (ISAB Chair) | Dean and Professor, Colorado School of Public Health |
Professor Stephen Holgate | MRC Clinical Professor of Immunopharmacology, University of Southampton |
Professor Chris Holmes | Chair in Biostatistics, Department of Statistics, University of Oxford |
Professor Ana Navas-Acien | Professor of Environmental Health Sciences, Columbia Mailman School of Public Health |
Professor Ellen Fritsche | Professor of Environmental Toxicology, University of Dusseldorf |
Dr Mark P Little | Senior Investigator, Radiation Epidemiology Branch, Division of Cancer Epidemiology & Genetics, National Cancer Institute |
Dr Mark R Sambrook | Defence Science and Technology Laboratory |