Leadership, Governance and Management

The HPRU’s Joint Steering Committee is the senior management, strategy and decision-making forum of the Unit. It comprises the Unit Directors, UKHSA Leads, Kings’ College Leads, MRC Toxicology Unit at the University of Cambridge Lead, Knowledge Mobilisation Lead, Public and Community Oversight Group Chair and Unit Managers of the HPRUs in Chemical and Radiation Threats and Hazards and in Environmental Exposures and Health, ensuring direct representation of these core areas in the highest governance structure of the Unit.
The Steering Committee is responsible for identifying research priorities for the HPRU work programme and ensuring they relate to UKHSA research and policy needs, supported by advisory groups and representatives from across the Unit’s research areas and core areas of activity.
The scope of these advisory groups and committees encompasses the work of this HPRU and of two other closely related units, the HPRU in Environmental Exposures and Health and the MRC Centre for Environment and Health.
Joint Steering Committee
Professor Paul Elliott | ICL | Unit Director | HPRU in Chemical and Radiation Threats and Hazards |
Dr Liz Ainsbury | UKHSA | Deputy Lead | HPRU in Chemical and Radiation Threats and Hazards |
Professor Frank Kelly | ICL | Unit Director | HPRU in Environmental Exposures and Health |
Professor Tim Gant | UKHSA | Deputy Lead | HPRU in Environmental Exposures and Health |
Professor Anne Willis | UoC | UoC Lead | HPRU in Environmental Exposures and Health and in Chemical and Radiation Threats and Hazards |
Professor David Phillips | KCL | KCL Lead | HPRU Chemical and Radiation Threats and Hazards |
Professor Kasia Hawrylowicz | KCL | KCL Lead | HPRU in Environmental Exposures and Health |
Dr Simon Bouffler | UKHSA | Knowledge Mobilisation Lead | HPRU in Environmental Exposures and Health and in Chemical and Radiation Threats and Hazards |
Ms Anastasia Ioakeimidou | ICL | Unit Manager | HPRU in Chemical and Radiation Threats and Hazards |
Ms Angela Lewis | ICL | Unit Manager | HPRU in Environmental Exposures and Health |

Research Theme Co-Leads

Responsible for implementation of the research programmes, promoting collaborations across Themes and with other HPRUs.
Dr Paul O'Mahoney | UKHSA | Theme I Co-Lead |
Professor Mireille Toledano | ICL | Theme I Co-Lead |
Dr Marc Chadeau-Hyam | ICL | Theme II Co-Lead |
Dr Christophe Badie | UKHSA | Theme II Co-Lead |
Professor David Phillips | KCL | Theme III Co-Lead |
Dr Richard Haylock | UKHSA | Theme III Co-Lead |
Dr Nora Bourbia | UKHSA | Theme IV Co-Lead |
Professor Tom Welton | ICL | Theme IV Co-Lead |