Dr Jayne Moquet


UK Health Security Agency
CRTH Projects:

Theme 2 Project 1: Exposure and risk markers in medical uses of IR

Theme 3 Project 2: Occupational exposure to ionising radiation

Research Areas:

Jayne is a Ph. D. biology graduate with more than 35 years of experience as a Radiation Protection Scientist at UKHSA’s Centre for Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Effects. As a Principal Radiation Protection Scientist in the Cytogenetics Group, Jayne has co-authored over 90 papers on experimental and medical aspects of radiation cytogenetics and biological dosimetry, using the dicentric, micronucleus, premature chromosome condensation, FISH-translocation and γ-H2AX assays. In particular, Jayne explores the application of biomarker assays for accidental, occupational and medical exposure scenarios. Current work is focused on development of biomarkers for radiotherapy patients.


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