Joint Public and Community Involvement, Engagement and Participation Programme
Engaging the public in the scientific dialogue related to the issues around environment and health is vital to maximising the impact of our research beyond the realms of policy and academia. The CRTH HPRU supports its researchers in a range of public engagement activities and also organises several Centre-wide events that showcase our research as a whole.
The joint Public and Community Involvement, Engagement and Participation (PCIEP) Committee consists of representatives from each of the partners in the HPRUs and MRC Centre, led by the PCIEP Coordinators in the two HPRUs. It is responsible for coordinating and supporting the activities of the Public and Community Oversight Group (PCOG), and for the implementation of the PCIEP Strategy and activities, co-developed with the PCOG.
Dr Diana Varaden | ICL | PCIEP Coordinator, HPRU in Environmental Exposures and Health |
Dr Oluwaseyi Arowosegbe | ICL | PCIEP Coordinator, HPRU in Chemical and Radiation Threats and Hazards |
Dr Bethan Davies | ICL | MRC Centre & HPRU in Chemical and Radiation Threats and Hazards |
Dr Ian Mudway | ICL | MRC Centre PCIEP Lead and HPRU in Environmental Exposures and Health |
Ms Angela Lewis | ICL | HPRU in Environmental Exposures and Health Manager |
Ms Anastasia Ioakeimidou | ICL | HPRU in Chemical and Radiation Threats and Hazards & MRC Centre Manager |
Dr Liz Ainsbury | UKHSA | HPRU in Chemical and Radiation Threats and Hazards |
Dr Liza Selley | UoC | HPRU in Environmental Exposures and Health and in Chemical and Radiation Threats and Hazards |
Dr Kerry Broom | UKHSA | Knowledge Mobilisation HPRU in Environmental Exposures and Health and in Chemical and Radiation Threats and Hazards |

Public and Community Oversight Group
The Public and Community Oversight Group (PCOG) has been set up to advise the newly formed HPRUs in Environmental Exposures and Health and in Chemical and Radiation Threats and Hazards and the MRC Centre for Environment and Health. The aim of the advisory network is to ensure that the public and community voice impacts the research strategies, projects and functions making sure our research is accountable, transparent and relevant to the public.
The new PCOG benefits from the skills, expertise and experience of over 35 members, including members of the general public, industries, local government, community and patient groups, academics and third sector organisations.
The Public Community Oversight Group aims to:
• Support the governance of public involvement and engagement approaches and activities within the HPRUs and MRC Centre
• Identify research priorities addressing public concerns
• Advise on research plans, protocols and materials
• Identify and facilitate ways to involve members of the public in research
• Disseminate research results in lay summaries
• Support researchers to assess the impact of public engagement activities in their work
The Chair of the PCOG is Mr Phil Taverner.
For more information see the PCOG Terms of Reference